René Banglesdorf

René Banglesdorf co-founded Crushing It Academy with a deep belief that if we don’t challenge the status quo, we will leave a legacy of mediocrity. René also is majority owner and CEO of Charlie Bravo Aviation, a leading company that buys and sells private jets all over the world. With a background in journalism and marketing, she has worked in the technology, telecom, retail and aviation industries. She has two grown children and has been married for 25 years. René serves her local community through various charities, with a soft spot for those that support STEM learning and aviation. She sits on the board of the International Aviation Women’s Association as Vice President for General Aviation, Business Aviation and Helicopter Industries. She also serves on the Airport Business Committee and Presidents’ Council of the National Air Transportation Association.
René is an advocate for women in leadership and the benefits of private aviation, and she has spoken on both topics around the world. René is a guest contributor for several magazines and still loves writing after studying journalism at Ohio University. She finally earned her undergrad degree in April 2016 after taking 23 years off. #CrushingIt
You can visit René’s speaker website at